Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness
Field: Fluid Dynamics, Partial Differential Equations
Problem Statement: The Navier-Stokes equations describe the motion of fluid substances like liquids and gases. While these equations are fundamental in engineering and physics, proving whether solutions always exist and are smooth (i.e., free of singularities) in three dimensions remains unresolved.
Riemann Hypothesis
Field: Number Theory, Complex Analysis
Problem Statement: Proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859, this hypothesis posits that all non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function have a real part of ½.
P vs. NP Problem
Field: Computer Science, Computational Complexity
Problem Statement: This problem asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be solved quickly by a computer. Formally, it questions whether the complexity classes P and NP are equal.
Hodge Conjecture
Field: Algebraic Geometry
Problem Statement: This conjecture deals with the relationship between differential forms and algebraic cycles on non-singular projective varieties. It posits that certain classes in the cohomology of a non-singular complex algebraic variety are algebraic.
Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap
Field: Mathematical Physics
Problem Statement: In the context of quantum field theory, the Yang-Mills theory describes the behavior of elementary particles using non-abelian gauge fields. The problem is to establish the existence of a mass gap, meaning that the smallest possible mass of particles predicted by the theory is positive.
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
Field: Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry
Problem Statement: This conjecture relates the number of rational points on an elliptic curve to the behavior of its L-function at a specific point. It predicts that the rank of the group of rational points is equal to the order of the zero of the L-function at 𝑠=1s=1.
Mathematics - 20 equations
16 July 2024
Set 1: Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness Equations
1. Equation
- Description: This equation relates the divergence of a magnetic field \( \mathbf{B} \) to a hypothetical magnetic charge density \( \rho_m \), scaled by vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: This equation introduces a theoretical concept of magnetic charge density in systems with vector-dependent properties.
2. Equation
- Description: Faraday's law of induction, with the y-component scaling the rate of change of the magnetic field.
- Novelty and Merit: The vector-scaled term allows for modified electromagnetic induction in systems sensitive to directional magnetic flux variations.
3. Equation
- Description: A nonlinear Schrödinger equation with vector components scaling the dispersion and nonlinear terms.
- Novelty and Merit: This vector-modified Schrödinger equation could model quantum systems with spatially dependent dispersion and interaction properties.
4. Equation
- Description: A damped pendulum equation, with vector components determining the damping and gravitational terms.
- Novelty and Merit: Customizing damping and gravitational terms via vector components allows for versatile simulations of oscillatory systems.
5. Equation
- Description: A partition function in statistical mechanics, using vector components to weight kinetic and potential energies.
- Novelty and Merit: The vector-weighted energies enable detailed analysis of thermodynamic systems with directionally dependent energy distributions.
Set 2: Navier-Stokes Existence and Smoothness Equations
1. Equation
- Description: The Navier-Stokes momentum equation, with vector components scaling the viscosity and external force terms.
- Novelty and Merit: By scaling viscosity and force with vectors, this equation allows for the modeling of fluid flow with directionally dependent resistances and forces.
2. Equation
- Description: The incompressibility condition for the Navier-Stokes equations.
- Novelty and Merit: Ensures mass conservation in incompressible fluid flows, a fundamental constraint in fluid dynamics.
3. Equation
- Description: A vorticity equation derived from Navier-Stokes, with vector components scaling the stretching and diffusion terms.
- Novelty and Merit: Vector-scaled terms provide adaptability in studying vortices within fluid flows where stretching and diffusion vary spatially.
4. Equation
- Description: An inequality bounding the energy decay in Navier-Stokes solutions, with parameters derived from vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: Custom decay rates based on vector components allow for tailored analysis of energy dissipation in turbulent flows.
5. Equation
- Description: A potential blowup scenario for Navier-Stokes solutions in Sobolev spaces, with the blowup rate determined by vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: This equation predicts the time-dependent growth rate of solutions, providing insights into stability and turbulence in fluid dynamics.
Set 1: P vs NP Related Equations
1. Equation
- Description: This function combines logarithmic and exponential terms, with coefficients determined by vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: By integrating both logarithmic and exponential behaviors, this function provides flexibility for models requiring non-linear scaling based on directional inputs.
2 Equation
- Description: A curl equation using vector components to define a vector field with unique rotational properties.
- Novelty and Merit: This curl operation, customized by vector components, can model fields with directional dependencies in fluid dynamics and electromagnetism.
3. Equation
- Description: Binomial probability distribution, using the x-component to define the probability of success.
- Novelty and Merit: Adjusting success probability via vector components enables adaptable probabilistic models for systems with directional influence.
4. Equation
- Description: A second-order differential equation incorporating vector components as coefficients.
- Novelty and Merit: This approach supports simulations of mechanical or electromagnetic systems where damping or restoring forces vary with direction.
5. Equation
- Description: An entropy equation for an ideal gas, with vector components scaling volume and temperature terms.
- Novelty and Merit: The equation offers a flexible approach to entropy calculations in thermodynamic systems with directional volume and temperature characteristics.
Set 2: P vs NP Related Equations
1. Equation
- Description: Time complexity for a problem in P, where the exponent is the x-component.
- Novelty and Merit: Customizing time complexity with vector components provides a tailored analysis for problems with specific directional properties in computational complexity.
2. Equation
- Description: Time complexity for a problem in NP, where the base is the y-component.
- Novelty and Merit: Using vector components to define base complexity enables a comparative study of exponential growth rates for NP problems in vector-based systems.
3. Equation
- Description: This equation posits that P equals NP if there exists an algorithm that solves NP problems in polynomial time, with polynomial degree based on vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: The vector-derived polynomial degree offers an adjustable criterion for solving NP problems, allowing research into the boundaries of P vs NP with vector scaling.
4. Equation
- Description: Represents the NP-completeness of the Boolean satisfiability problem, which can reduce to any NP-complete problem.
- Novelty and Merit: Establishing reduction capabilities through vector-based terms facilitates exploration of computational reducibility in complex problem spaces.
5. Equation
- Description: Gap polynomial of a graph \( G \), related to the graph isomorphism problem, with coefficients derived from vector components.
- Novelty and Merit: Customizing the gap polynomial with vector properties allows analysis of symmetry and isomorphism in graph theory, relevant in computational and network sciences.